Saturday 18 February 2012

Hanging in there

I don't really have much time to post these days. Life is a hectic blur of getting up and cycling before work, zooming to work, trying to avoid traffic build ups, teaching my wee heart out, driving home, spending time with the kids, eating tea and getting back on the bike. Repeat.

So far I've done well with taking my lunch to work every day, avoiding the little snack box and maintaining my committment to lose weight. One of my knees is back to the dull ache stage again which means I really must find to time to strengthen the large muscle groups on that side.

Other than that though things are going well. I'm pleased with the progress that I'm making and I'm getting closer to that new original goal of getting to 75kg. This morning the scales flickerred around 76.2 / 76.3 kg somewhere. Hopefully that was an accurate measure and not just some mean trick. Absolutely have made it past the 5kg lost mark though so a least a quarter of the weight is gone. Weeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Just pretend the last 5 months didn't happen.

Ask no questions and I shall tell you no lies!

Back on board, committed to the journey this time and making great in roads.

I started this month afresh after our Christmas and New Year holidays. And this time I gently eased myself into it. I think that has made a big difference. Also my mindset has arrived. That once and for all determined mindset I know it takes to really make a difference in my life.

Next week I start back at work and Manly Man becomes a stay at home dad. Should be entertaining! I'm looking forward to predetermined times of the day for eating and starting out as I mean to go on. Still trying to process exactly what to take for lunch each day but I think I'm getting there. I seem to do best when I eat the same thing in and out so whilst it could seem boring to others it works for me.

Start of year weight = 82.2 kg
Today's weight = 79.2 kg.

I had to get off the scales very quickly this morning and did not recheck the weight, hahahaha. Hoping like mad it was accurate.

Next goal weight is 75 kg. Let's do this thing.

Monday 5 September 2011

Ever So Slight Blip

Not surprising really, given the week we've just had.

With wreckless abandon I ate whatever I wanted. And no doubt about it, I ate WHATEVER I wanted. And did pretty much nil exercise.

Back to it then.

(a gain of 100 grams)

Weight = 81.5 kg.

Onwards and downwards!

Monday 29 August 2011

Down Again!


I think I would be completely and utterly gutted if the scales didn't show a loss this week. I've been working really hard, averaging between 12 and15 km a day on the exercyle and getting out walking about 4-5 times (sometimes quite hard hill walking with the buggy too).

So today's weight = 81.4 kg. A loss this week of 800 grams.

In biggest looser terms it doesn't rate, but in long term, sustainable, managable, two kids and life to live terms it is a winner with me.

Not too long now and I'll be saying goodbye to the 80's permanently.

One word: Woot!!!!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

A Hard Fought 700

COming to you a couple of days late this week, but this is Monday's report.

700 gram loss this week. And man oh man, was it a hard fought 700 grams. A tough, tough week. Not sure why really. Maybe my body was just having a bit of a go at me for trying to get rid of something it has become accustomed to. That and the fact that that time of the month was due to make an arrival - certainly does make it tough on a girl.

But I made it through, relatively unscathed and 700 down.

Going to celebrate that 700 gm -they are gone for good. Yeah baby, gone for good - did you hear that?

The final word for Monday is: 82.2 kg.

Monday 15 August 2011

Weigh Day....

82.9kg - I don't think I have been under 83 kg in over a year. Very happy about this fact.

I'm aiming to be under 80 kg by the end of the month - I think this is a challenging but do-able goal.

Total weightloss since beginning again = 1.5 kg.

It's jolly cold here this week. Massive snow fall that hasn't been seen in our part of the country for about 30 odd years. Rimutaka Hill Road is closed (no surprises there) and is likely to be so for a couple of days to come. We still have a blanket of snow over the whole section with more forecast for today and tomorrow, even Wednesday has a little snow icon on the metservice website - this is very exciting for me. Fire is roaring. Toasty warm inside.

Friday 12 August 2011

Found My Mojo

(pretend I've been posting consistently over the last however many months)

So this week I have really actually well and truly found the mojo required to do something about my health. Mentally, this is exactly the same space I was in when I dropped my pregnancy weight with Little Chugger. Baby Chugger turned eight months today - wow, where has that eight months gone?

We are now proud owners of a modern exercycle - those puppies are soooooooooo quiet compared to the old one we had (that Manly Man had even had to weld back together at one stage, it had taken such a beating).

This week has gone really well and I'm really proud of myself for setting out on the path I need to follow. I feel so much better already and I'm sleeping better at night. Manly Man is supportive in the right ways too.

Both knees have only given slight (ever so slight at that) twinges this week. I'm so glad my GP sent me along for two months of hospital based physio earlier in the year. I now know lots of things I've been doing wrong for years. I'm just gutted I never went to the doc three years ago when (well went back when I wasn't happy with the locum). I feel like I look like a cowboy swaggering when I walk up hills now, but yeah, it's only in my head.

Weigh in days are going to be Mondays from now on. I'm looking forward to this Monday. Watch this space - I may even reveal how much I started out on this week (I think this will be good for me, owning it!)

We're off to Manly Man's mother's place for an overnight trip - Little Chugger is over the moon and wants to take E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G we own. And he's been counting down the "night time sleeps" for a few days now.

See you Monday with the great news :-)