Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Week 2 Day 3

All is going well here today. We went out this morning for our regular Wednesday activity (mother's group at my church) where I had my daily treat allowance for morning tea - a yummy little cupcake and some scrummy cake (I'm not sure what kind of cake it was but it had fruit on the top - apple/pear?) I was keen to eat more cake but ran for my bag and got the lovely crisp apple out instead. Yay me.

We've had our second insulation quote for the ceiling done today too. And at a whopping cost of just under $30 to us I can't see us saying no. I really hope it makes an even bigger difference to our home heating this winter.

The boring food bits:
Breakfast = standard. Morning tea - see above : ) Lunch was much delayed. (But it's ok I wasn't starving today due to large morning tea). I've just made a nice large mix of rice salad. This isn't the normal rice salad I have for lunch (which is usually just rice, raw veges and some sort of prepackaged dressing), it is the brown rice salad from the Rally Cook Book II. It's very yummy and consists of brown rice, soy sauce, peanuts, sultanas, spring onions, pumpkin seeds, oil, lemon juice and rind, crushed garlic, vinegar and probably a few other things I can't remember. I love this salad - so tangy and pretty much great for health and enjoyment. Winner. For tea tonight we are having bacon quiche and green salad. Water intake is only ok so far, if it were a school report it would say "could do better".

The boring exercise bits:
Off on a walk again I will be a bit later on. Today, for something different, I'll have Baby Chugger with me in the Mounain Buggy with bassinet fitted. I'm not sure if I'm keen to do my usual walk as there is an extremely steep downhill section - short, but mega steep. I might just go up the hill and back down the same way tonight.

The boring mood bits:
Short and sweet today: Happy.

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