Sunday, 13 February 2011

Weekend Round Up

Well here we are - the end of week 2. I'm kind of surprised to have survived this week really. Quite a lot of sneaky little morsals here and there has probably taken it's toll.

Overall report card grade for week 2: C ( I would have rated week one as an A if I'd thought to do that back then). So still a passing grade but only just.

I guess as I'm in this for the very long haul I shouldn't be disappointed with a C, some weeks will naturally be like this. I just need to keep track of the treats making sure that they are still treats and not habbits.

Ironically I think having home baking in the cupboards helps. If I cut the pieces smallish then I can have a piece of slice guilt free and the portion has been controlled. Without that kind of control I'm more likely to eat heaps of chips or large bakery type things (mmmmmmm). I've just finished the baking for this week, 2 slices. The first is a take on Afghan biscuits except I used rice bubbles instead of cornflakes and made a slice instead of biscuits (so nothing like afghan biscuits really) and the second is a peanut slice I made 2 weeks ago.

The boring food bits:
Breakfast - standard. Lunch - yummy homemade burger at church (we eat together on the second Sunday of every month). Snacks - fruit so far. Tea - packet pasta and tomato based sauce with loads of veges.

The boring exercise bits:
I went for my walk at 2.30 today - man oh man oh man. Came home thoroughly hot and bothered. I walked for 45 minutes today which is slightly longer than what I would do on a week day (I don't quite have the time to be gone that long). Tired now. But good tired. I'm sleeping much better for all the exercise - much more deep sleep.

The boring mood bits:
Slightly better than average but not over the moon excited. A nice place to be : )

Catch me tomorrow for a weigh in and the all important measurements. I really hope they've gone done, even if it's only one measurement that's changed.

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